Chelsea Canavan, Artist
All the recordings and artwork for this podcast and website were made by the participants themselves. They learned
techniques for recording sounds and their voices through their own devices in the remote weekly sessions. The visual art challenges gave them an extra layer of expression to say or bring about new experiences recording might not have done.
Each part of the podcast was self-recorded remotely, outside of a studio, then brought together to be mixed and complied into
a podcast. We found focusing on the first day of lockdown and what it was like for each of us a valuable way to connect with each other in this time and through this digital space.

Emma Langford
Musician, Singer-Songwriter's response to the teen's work.

Space Between Us
This is a website and podcast created by a group of teenagers on Helium Arts’ Distance Creates Remote Programme supported by Helium Artist Chelsea Canavan and WiredFM Station Manager Ray Burke.
The Distance Creates Remote Programme brought connection and creativity to teenagers with similar life experiences of living with long term health conditions during the COVID 19 pandemic of spring-summer 2020.
Through online meet-ups and postal exchanges, the group came together to create visual art and to podcast their exploration of spaces within and between us.
Image - Left: This image, titled "HOME", is a collage of letters found by participants within their environment as one of the weekly visual challenges for changing their perception of space and the everyday.